Upper Strathspey Community Timeline

In 2011 an ARCH class researched the heritage in Strathspey, in an area roughly from Grantown to Carrbridge, and south to Rothiemurchus. The area has been lived in for thousands of years. Some of the evidence of the past is still there to be seen today, but much has been altered or has been destroyed. Further information about these and many other interesting remains of our heritage can be found in binders at Boat of Garten Village Hall and Aviemore Library, or by consulting Highland Council’s Historic Environment Record at http://her.highland.gov.uk.

The group researched the following topics:

* 1. Mesolithic flint finds (Mesolithic)
* 2.1. Cup and Ring marked stones (Neolithic to Bronze Age)
* 2.2 Burial Cairns (Neolithic to Bronze Age)
2.3 Standing stones (Neolithic to Bronze Age)
2.4 Stone Axeheads (Neolithic)
2.5 Other Neolithic evidence
* 3.1 Clava-type cairns (early Bronze Age)
* 3.2 Cist burials (Bronze Age)
* 3.3 Bronze Age metalwork (Bronze Age)
* 3.4. Round houses (Bronze Age – Iron Age)
3.5 Other Bronze Age evidence
* 4.1. Hillforts (Iron Age)
4.2 Crannogs (Iron Age)
4.3 Other Iron Age evidence
* 5.1. Pictish Stones (Pictish)
* 5.2 Possible Pictish cemetery at Mains of Garten (Pictish)
* 6.1 Placenames (Medieval onwards)
* 6.2 Mottes at Mains of Garten and Tom Pitlac (Medieval)
* 6.3 Churches (Medieval onwards)
* 6.4 Medieval brooches from Nethybridge and Grantown (Medieval)
* 6.5 Pin from Avielochan (11th/12th century)
6.6 Holy Wells (Medieval and later)
6.7 Other Medieval evidence
* 7.1 Old Settlements (Post medieval)
* 7.2 Mills (Post medieval)
7.3 Schools (Post medieval)
* 7.4 Roads and Bridges (Post medieval)
* 7.5 Limekilns (Post medieval)
* 7.6 Icehouses (Post medieval)
* 7.7 Curling Ponds (Post medieval)
7.8 The Railway (19th century)
7.9 Boundary Stones
7.10 Other Post medieval evidence
* 8.1 Sleeper buildings (19th & 20th century)
* 8.2` Wartime remains

All numbers which have an asterix (*) were featured on the display.

Upper Strathspey Community Timeline was researched and prepared by:
John Davison, Anne Dempster, Walter Demster, Iain Hay, Margaret MacDonald,
Susan Murray, Robert Potter, Lynn Ross, Ann Wakeling, Anne Wilson,
Jackie Wilson, Sheena Wilson and Mary Yule, led by Susan Kruse from ARCH



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